We can provide a wide range of academic media services. This includes video production, filming and editing as well as audio recording, production and editing. If you would like a video to show the impact of your project please get in touch. The resulting content can be hosted, edited for websites or published as needed. I can also produce podcasts or blogs to engage people with your academic project. We can also set up social media accounts to inform people about your project. See below for more information.
We can locate, shoot and edit video with sound for academic or other purposes. This includes shooting project-related video clips, editing and production. More…
We can record audio, either in person or via the web. Audio can be pubished as podcasts, embedded on websites as required. We can also add dramatic sound effects, music, foley and dialogue to audio and video productions. More…
Engaged New Media
We have built relevant audiences and can connect project research to relevant audiences via social media and advise on how to maximise relevant impact. We use social media as a tool to promote engagement with both academic and general audiences. More…
We can locate, shoot and edit photography for academic purposes. This includes shooting project related images and video clips, editing and sourcing archival images.
We can set up an online or in person conference and live stream it to the social media platform of your choice.
We can manage production projects from concept to completed outputs. We are particularly interested in climate change related projects.